Equipment Programs


In partnership with sComm, DSC will work with individuals who qualify through Medicare or private insurance to provide durable medical equipment that will assist with one-on-one communication for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, or non-verbal people.

Through a dual keyboarding system, these individuals will be able to communicate in real time text with anyone. The Ubi Duo is a great tool to use for medical appointments, business meetings, and anywhere there is a communication barrier for individuals who do not sign to communicate with others.


Relay Ohio/CapTel

Relay Ohio/CapTel is Relay 711 – a free statewide public service for communication between standard (voice) users and persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, and speech-disabled using text telephones (TTYs) or adaptive equipment.

Relay Ohio trainers, in partnership with Sprint Relay, provide trainings and demonstrations throughout Ohio to all 88 counties.

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